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Most Popular Questions

1. What's the Price?


We’ve 3 different packages and it starts from 12k. Please check our pricing guide to know more about the package details and their deliverables. 
2. What's the best discount?
We've done a thorough market & feasibility study and designed highly competitive packages that will suites your requirement. Be sure that our package is the best in its category. However, there are some special cases where our representatives issued discounts. So please talk to our team.
3. Can we customize the package?

Yes, it's possible.
Our existing packages are very thoughtfully designed to meet the different needs of each one of you out there. In most cases, you just have to choose the one suitable for your requirements. If you still want customization or to understand more about it, please talk to our representative.
1. Do you provide gowns and costumes?
Yes, we do. The number and type of gowns depend upon the package you have chosen. We have a huge collection of props that includes Crowns, Flowers, Placards, Tiny Shoes, Umbrellas, Slate boards, Color fogs, Poppers, Wearables, and much more. This will be used as per the requirement whenever and wherever needed in the photo shoot.  Check out the photo gallery for gown & props samples
2. Can we wear our own costumes? Any discounts in that case?
If the costume is suitable for a maternity photoshoot, yes of course you can wear it. In such cases, it needs to be discussed before booking the photoshoot. We will do the best possible discount in this case.
3. Can I get the gown catalog before booking?
No. As per the process, we are allowed to share the gown catalog only after the booking. However, you will not be disappointed with our own gown collections. We also have a few vendors from whom we hire as needed. So be rest assured that it will satisfy your requirements. There were instances where we have custom-made gowns for our clients. Talk to us for more info. Check out the photo gallery for gown & props samples
4. Do you provide props that are required for the photoshoot or should I buy them?
Yes, we do. We have a huge collection of props that includes Crowns, Flowers, Placards, Tiny Shoes, Umbrellas, Slate boards, Color fogs, Poppers, Wearable, and many more exclusive props for special themes. This will be used as per the requirement whenever and wherever needed in the photo shoot.
5. Do you provide costumes for my husband?
No. But we can recommend a few places where you can easily rent out the costumes in Bangalore
  • Candid Knots
  • The Dress Bank
1. Do you provide makeup?
Yes !! At TOT IN SHOT, we give one makeup session for all maternity packages. You might as well know, that makeup usually falls into four big categories: Prosthetic, Bridal, Party, and Natural. Here, we offer natural makeup – it's all about highlighting your natural beauty by enhancing your facial features. The other three? We think they are lil too much of makeup.
2. Can I do my own makeup?
Yes. but should you? In our experience of such cases, we have seen differences in the final outcomes of the photos. You may decide and we promise our best support anyway. This needs to be discussed with us before the booking otherwise will book the artist as per the process.
3. Can I get my own makeup artist for the photoshoot?
Yes. You can also hire your own artist and the makeup can be performed in our studio. In that case, there are no additional charges for the makeup. This needs to be discussed with us before the booking otherwise will book the artist as per the process.
4. Can we do the photoshoot without makeup?
Yes. It's highly advisable to have the makeup done for the photoshoot for the best final result. In case you have genuine reasons like allergy or finance. This needs to be discussed with us before the booking otherwise will book the artist as per the process.
5. Is the makeup only for the primary model (pregnant) or will It will be done for others as well (husband, children, parents of the model)?
The artist will perform the makeup for anyone if we need it. Of course, it is going to cost you extra. Charges are mentioned in the pricing guide.
1. Do you have a studio?
Yes. Tot In Shot has an exclusive maternity & baby photography studio. The studio is spacious & equipped enough and provides you with all the necessary facilities.
Check out the studio
2. Where does the shoot conduct? Indoor or outdoor?
The shoot is conducted in TIS Exclusive Maternity and Newborn Studio unless we confirm it in the case of 1 theme package. In case of more than 1 theme, if you need an outdoor (local), any one theme can be done outdoors depending upon your choice. This has to be brought to discussion during the shoot planning process.
Check out the studio
3. What's the benefit of indoor studio photoshoots as compared to outdoor ones?
  • The studio is exclusively designed for maternity and baby photoshoots where you can find yourself comfortable and feel at home. 
  • We will have a theme-based photoshoot conducted in the studio.
  • Dress change and Make-up will be convenient as we have dedicated spaces for them. 
  • Can take a rest and feel at ease at a studio explicitly designed for the maternity photoshoot.
  • Refreshments and the proper sanitary process are things that we must mention.
  • Outdoor is all about nature & greenery. In a city like Bangalore outdoor shoot is mostly done at parks where washroom facilities are not mostly available. (if available, the condition is not promised).
  • You will need to travel extra to the outdoor location and walk a lot to reach the spot for the photoshoot which may be tiring during the difficult days of pregnancy. (You will have to walk from the parking space to the location where the photos can be captured). Specific time and climatic conditions like rainfall can also hinder the photoshoot.
  • You may not have a changing facility, or hygiene sanitary facility, or a proper place to take well-deserved rest during shoot time.
  • Most of the parks function at specific time slots so you will have to abide by those timing and the parks are mostly crowded during active hours.
  • Resorts and other shoot location services are excellent options for outdoor photoshoots. Such goodness will always come with a cost. Entry fees & additional travel expenses (depending upon distance).
4. Why outdoor photoshoot is not so a great option for a maternity photoshoot?
Maternity photoshoots are generally conducted indoors for the obvious reason, is your comfort. However, the Shoot can also happen at your desired locations as well. Before you decide let us help you to know the followings.
  • Outdoor is about nature and greenery and in a city like Bangalore outdoor shoot is mostly done in parks where washroom facilities are not mostly available. (if available, the condition is not promised).
  • You will need to travel extra to the outdoor location and walk a lot to reach the spot for the photoshoot which may be tiring during the difficult days of pregnancy. (You will have to walk from the parking space to the location where the photos can be captured). Specific time and climatic conditions like rainfall can also hinder the photoshoot.
  • You may not have a proper changing facility/hygiene sanitary facility/ may not be possible to take well-deserved rest during shoot time.
  • Most of the parks function at specific time slots so you will have to abide by those timing and the parks are most crowded during active hours.
  • Resorts and other location services are really good options for outdoor photoshoots. Such goodness will always come with a cost and additional travel expenses (depending upon distance)
5. What if I need only an outdoor photoshoot?
Please read the answer to questions - 3 & 4. If you still want only outdoor photoshoots, we are with you. Discuss with our team before booking the photoshoot.
6. Your usual outdoor photoshoot locations?
7. Can you conduct the photo shoot at my house?
It's extremely difficult to transport all the necessary materials required for the photo shoot to your place to convert your house into a mini studio while it will also demand a huge empty space in your house (12ft/15ft of empty space). If it is not possible to travel at all, then we can consider the shoot at your location as long as the reasons are really valid and there will be additional travel charges.
1. How long in this business and what's your experience?
Tot In Shot Maternity & baby Photography started in 2020. Ever since our team has been partnered with hundreds of customers to capture delightful memories of important times in their life. The entire team is well trained to deliver to the best of their abilities to fulfill your expectation.
2. Do you have trained photographers for maternity?
Yes. All our photographers are trained and certified by a few renowned photography experts around the world. They have been trained well in Photography, Lighting, Post Production (editing).
3. What do you mean by photo editing? What all are included?
  • Our Photo editing/retouching includes Skin Retouching, Light Correction, Body Contouring, Special Effects, Colour Grading, and Album Designing(if needed).
  • We use the original props/backgrounds in the setups we do. So there is no need for photo manipulation, adding backgrounds, changes in the physical appearance of any person, or any props.
4. How TIS is different from others?
  • Economical price with best-in-class photos.
  • Process-oriented team.
  • Always walks the extra mile to provide a delightful experience.
  • Integration of Cutting-edge technology.
  • Large no. of Props, themes, and everything is well planned.
5. How does Tot In Shot ensure that the shoot is conducted as clients expected?
For the shoot to happen the way you want it to happen, we strictly follow the process.
The TIS team ensures to give you all the necessary information before you book the photo shoot. Our team will understand your expectations and accept the assignment only if it's possible to deliver. Our pre-shoot consultation process ensures to deep dive into the nuances of your requirements. A well-designed plan will be shared with you well in advance to ensure that our preparation is progressing as per your expectation. We provide you with a dedicated shoot & pose assistant to ensure your comfort during the session. TIS client relationship management team will remain in constant touch with you right from the booking till the time of photo delivery to ensure everything is progressing the way you are expected.
1. How to book the photoshoot?
Check the slot availability with our team. Choose the best package and pay the booking fee on our website (Link).
2. What are the modes of payment?
We accept almost all online payment modes such as UPI, Debit & Credit cards, NEFT, IMPS, Amex, Etc.
3. Can the shoot date be changed after booking?
Yes. It is possible to change the shoot date once after booking with prior notice of 2 weeks.
4. Cancellation policy?
  • The booking fee is nonrefundable in case of the cancellation is from your end. However, you will be able to take another available service with us. Ie, If maternity shoot can be changed to Newborn or Baby Photoshoot. This needs to be discussed with and approved by Tot In Shot.
  • If the cancellation is from Tot In Shot, the full amount will be refunded.
  • In case of natural calamities, pandemics, or any such instances, the shoot can either be postponed or the booking fee can be refunded upon cancellation.
5. When should I pay the final amount?
Booking is done with 50% payment of the actual price. The balance amount is to be paid on the same day as the photoshoot.
1. When is the right time to book a maternity/newborn session?
As soon as you step into the second trimester. Booking the photo shoot at least 3 weeks in advance will help us to coordinate you better.
2. What is a good time for a maternity photography session?
The best time for a maternity session is when the mom-to-be is 28-34 weeks. As the 36th-week approaches, tiredness and restlessness start to creep in, so it would be better to finish your maternity photography session before the 35th week. If at all you miss the timings, late is better than never. We still accommodate and pay extra care to provide you with restful sessions.
3. What time of the day you can do the shoot?
There are 2 slots in a day, Morning between 09.00 AM to 1.00 PM, and the afternoon between 02.00 PM to 06.00 PM. You can choose the slot based (if both the slots are open).
4. When will I get the photos?
The Raw photos will be delivered within 24 hours of the session. Edited images will be shared within 20 Days of the photoshoot.

Related Frequently Asked Questions

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